Grodsky has assisted MassMutual in obtaining LEED Silver certification by designing and constructing two sustainable projects at their Springfield Campus.
The first was a water conservation project, in which we replaced existing plumbing fixtures with new low-flow fixtures. This renovation is saving MassMutual more than five million gallons of water per year, resulting in a savings of over $30,000 annually.
The second project was their solar project. Grodsky installed 96 solar thermal panels, capable of providing 650 MBH of heat which can supply 50% of the campus’s 4,800 gallon per day hot water needs.
MassMutual is committed “to increasing earth-friendly green standards in its operations by reducing its environmental impact and improving sustainability” and Grodsky is committed to helping accomplish their goals every step of the way.
For more, see our MassMutual under Commercial Projects.